Career Launcher

Bootcamp Job Landing Course

Career Launcher

458+ Reviews
Intensive bootcamp is designed to take fresh graduates from zero experience to job-ready full-stack Java developers.
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Course Overview

Course Materials:
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Unleash Your Potential: Master Full Stack Java and Soar into Your Dream Career!

Comprehensive Full Stack Java Training:

Our cutting-edge curriculum takes you on a immersive journey, starting from the fundamentals of Java programming and progressively advancing to master the entire full-stack ecosystem. You'll delve into industry-standard web development frameworks like Spring and Spring Boot, front-end technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React/Angular), database management systems (SQL and NoSQL), agile methodologies, version control with Git, and cloud computing practices.

Hands-On, Project-Based Learning:

Theory meets practice as you engage in real-world projects that simulate the complete software development lifecycle. This hands-on approach ensures you gain practical experience, develop a robust portfolio showcasing your full-stack Java development skills, and cultivate the problem-solving skills crucial for success.

Expert Guidance and Mentorship:

Throughout your journey, you'll be guided by experienced industry professionals and experts who will share their valuable insights, best practices, and real-world experiences. Their mentorship will help you develop a deep understanding of the industry and the skills needed to thrive as a full-stack Java developer.

Job-Readiness and Career Support:

In addition to technical training, our program emphasizes essential job-readiness skills. You'll receive personalized guidance on crafting compelling resumes, acing interviews, and building a professional online presence. Our dedicated career services team will support you throughout your job search, providing valuable networking opportunities, job-matching assistance, and ongoing career coaching.

Launch Your Dream Career:

Upon successful completion of the Career Launcher bootcamp, you'll emerge as a well-rounded, job-ready full-stack Java developer, equipped with the confidence and skills to pursue exciting career opportunities in the dynamic field of software development.

Invest in your future and join our Career Launcher bootcamp today. Unlock your limitless potential, and embark on a rewarding journey towards a fulfilling career in the ever-evolving world of technology.

Hurry! Limited Seats Remaining (25 out of 17) 🔥

Bootcamp Details Onsite

Daily effort Mon to Thur (2 hrs)
Who’s it for? Anyone who wants to get into development role
Prerequisites A Laptop or PC with Internet connection

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